Thursday, August 14, 2008

Political System... out of our hands ?

India is a democratic country.
I am tired of telling this without any heart in it. As the system has learned to degrade itself with the current quality of political leaders. My anger on such politicians cant be proportional to the content I write abt them here, as I dont want to waste my energy and time on describing how discouraging the system is for upcoming trustworthy, self-righteous political leaders, rather dig for something useful to build on.
Why cant we come up with a strict jurisdiction on these political leaders? simple answer can be they have the jurisdiction in their own hands.. and they don't want to dig their own grave by amending laws which are against them. Great system.. it is like a infinite loop traversal without any breaks ! Need to control this and if possible stop this. No amendment is directed towards such goals. Most of the law amendments are for bigger 'for voting' group and most of them are socially irresponsible ones, atleast after several stages of implementation. Consider "reservation".... one hell of a topic to discuss... but I wish to make a point here... We can come up with a formula where economically backward students who cross 70 %(say) will have a reserved seat and will be equally weighed to a economically forward student with 90 %(say). That means a child with all the facilities scoring 90 % can be treated equal to one who is devoid of such facilities ( strict economic status consideration ) and scoring 70 %. Slowly we can go on decreasing this gap, by increasing the facilities. I am eager to say that this was the method recommended by Mr. Jayaprakash Narayan ( ex-collector, who resigned feeling that he cant work under these insincere, corrupt politicians and presently the coodrinator of the Lok sattha party of Andhra Pradesh). But no one had a ear for that. No matter how hard we try we cant change these politicians, so we should JUST PLUCK THEM OUT !

Even for a small job in a small company they care about the resume, they care about the attitude, they care about what not !? And for controlling states and so countries... election commission couldn't come up with proper rules to avoid rowdies and atleast the worst of all politicians. This is because they don't have the bill passed.. wow... again in the hands of the brutes... So this proves that jurisdiction for these power holders should be in hands of a responsible person atleast for once !.... may be the hon'ble President of the country....... but expectedly, if the president is given this power... then the next president will also be one of these corrupt power holders, as the choice of the president can be effected by money and power. So again the rules change...

So I feel I don't have a direct solution for this.

But I strongly feel atleast YOU can make a difference to the Indian politics atleast after reading this. CHOOSE THE WORTH. Drunkards in the villages wont be reading this, so do whatever you can to nullify their wrong (corrupt) decisions and spread the news of choosing the right candidate rather than temporary happiness.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Better faculty, the belittled issue

'India, a great country' considering everything. I am saying this with all my honesty and pride, but not satisfaction. Can be greater, much greater than expected. Realizing that, forever the master role privileged are the students of this country, I want to bring to you an issue of improving the faculty, the real vital designers of the country. Please presume that I am not into years of research in this.

Year by year, ......... no it should be...

Semester by semester, we are observing that most of the students are running for their interests or for more money/satisfaction when they choose a job. This is not a debatable one. I support this. I cant ask students reading this to just leave all the rewards they get by opting such jobs. And yes I can never ask students to go for teaching at the same time, for improving the standards of the faculty. HOW CAN I? HOW can students go for teaching? Why ?

Those who have interest will always choose such professions. And we must encourage them, than any other.
Simple answer can be, faculty amenities are not tempting the students to take up that profession. Most of the students initiate their interest basing on the financial status of their 'would be profession'. To be clear,
what if I am a doctor, I can come up with a hospital, I can live like this, etc etc
what if a comp sci student, I should join that company for the best pay and satisfaction, this language has the highest demand at this point.. I can learn this and grab the job, etc

So what we observe is students are just turning towards good offers (leaving out those with real interest). So what are the universities doing to attract students to take up the esteemed, but unheeded "Faculty" profession. I don't say, they do nothing but it has to do much more than just giving free education to the faculty children.

What should it do?...... that is too direct to answer, depends on the university and its innovation like the companies follow now a days. ONLY WHEN THERE IS A BOUNTIFUL TOUGH COMPETITION< RESULTS WILL BE WONDERFUL. THATS THE REASON BITS, PILANI, IITs, NITs stand aloof. Improvement in such universities will be a good benchmark
for the next realizers. We have to go back to the days when a pedagogue is envied the most, unlike any profession. When such a quality and comfort in the faculty profession is achieved, students stick to such hives.

And I am a student of BITS, Pilani ( where the promotion of faculty is much ahead of others but MUSSSTTTTTTTT be improved and spread(underlined).) Various campuses / colleges under each university can promote the faculty system, much like a corporate system of employees.
BITS succeeded in this. But not to mention, some disciplines are having their main courses' heads(CDCs - Compulsory Disciplinary Courses) as some M.Eites who just pass out, with not more than 2-3 years experience.( such cases exist in all universities ). Not over 50 % of faculty knowledge(including text book knowledge, generally nothing else... a point which must be improved) gets transferred to students. In such cases, an outgoing student has not more than 50 % of the knowledge of the tutor. So what is the level of a just passed out M.E ite with a little experience. What is the batch that passes out under his/her teaching. what next and WHAt NEXT !? This is so important that you can never neglect.

I know that I am talking this as a 20 yr old student. But experience is better than research in case of social aspects like this. More knowledgeable persons can actually start thinking about this for better results....A NEVER ENDING IMPROVEMENT HAS TO BE INITIATED.
Just a try from my side.

A child miseducated is a child lost.
By John F. Kennedy